Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I want to take a few minutes of your time to let you know something about myself. Some who know me may refer to me as a crazy old biker, but in reality I’m a husband to my beautiful wife Kim, a father of 4 – Sarah, Joshua, Isaac and Savannah. I am also a grandfather of 6 – Lavinia, Addison, Jerusalem, Raphael, Jedidiah and Constance. My Lord set me free from drugs and alcohol in 1977 when He sent a man 6000 miles to preach His gospel to me. Since that time my Lord has had me on a journey that ministers to men that are dealing with many areas of addiction.
My hobbies focus around motorcycles and shooting sports and gun smithing.
At this time I’m bi vocational, which I believe is where God has asked me to be since most men that I minister to will have a job and walk out Christ. My occupation that pays the bills is in the print industry as a R&D Print
Development Director and my full time ministry is functioning as the Outreach Pastor for New Life Assembly of God Cokato.
I have worked for the past 6 years within the Teen Challenge program as a mentor and doing chapel on a monthly basis. Also, I’m working with men in the process of aftercare once they have completed a program like Teen Challenge.